Our first day at sea passed without incident. We learned our captain’s name: Lernstah Half-Face. That is because half of his face was taken by frostbite. As the day moved into the night, we got to know our crew members better:
Kaiya took the first watch of the night with Gelvin and learned that she was also the ship’s deck surgeon. She was more than willing to share some of her medicinal knowledge, so Kaiya is now proficient in using a healer’s kit.
After this, Thoredim took the second watch with Dasave. He tried to find out Dasave’s gender, but thought it rude to ask outright. Skirting around the topic, asking leading questions went horribly wrong though and led to some awkward moments. Eventually, Dasave decided to put him out of his misery and revealed that they like to be addressed as “They”. They bonded a little when Dasave helped Thoredim to light his newly acquired pipe with their fiery breath. This delicate connection quickly dissolved, however, when the pipe turned out to have a magical property and the smoke started to show Thoredim’s most heroic deeds, which happen to be all about killing dragons. (At some point, they will get talking again however, and Dasave - in her role as boatswain - will teach Thoredim proficiency in carpenter’s tools and athletics)
Fynn, who was apprenticing with Sidus, the Goliath Navigator, got an insight into mapmaking. They discussed the artistic points of maps first, but at some points moved to the ins and outs of reading maps. Fynn acquired proficiency with navigator’s tools and Nature skill that night.
Shan and Onek took the last shift, passing the time with peeling potatoes and carrots while on the lookout. Shan learned proficiency with cooking utensils and brewing supplies plus another skill (tbd). Onek complained that something was attacking pretty much every time they went on a trip in this area.
This quickly turned out to be true, as the ship suddenly started rocking, throwing Kaiya off the crow’s nest. She used her ability to polymorph into a bat and fly back to the ship before she hit the water, but suddenly, the ship was being attacked from both sides by Marrows. They immediately killed two of the ship’s crew and dragged two more overboard, before we could finally kill three of them and drive the other two to flee.
As we looked at the aftermath of the battle on the ship’s deck, it started to dawn on us that this trip would not be an easy one…