Dragonborn. Enemy of our group!
We killed him on the 6th of Ches.
A castle ruin in the swamps of the Mere of Dead Men.
It is inhabited by the Dragon Cult, Lizardfolk and Bullywugs.
A cult that worships dragons and is collecting treasures by robbing and ransacking towns that are to weak to defend themselfs.
The Emerald Enclave is a far-ranging group that opposes threats to the natural world and helps others survive the many perils of the wild. A ranger might be hired to lead a caravan through a treacherous mountain pass or the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale. A druid might volunteer to help a small village prepare for a long, brutal winter. Barbarians and witches who live like hermits most of the year might defend a town against marauding orcs or barbarians. Members of the Emerald Enclave know how to survive, and more importantly, they want to help others do the same. They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to prevent civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another.
To restore and preserve the natural order, keep the elemental forces of the world in check, keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another, and help others survive the perils of the wilderness.
A halfing boy, versed with words, bagpipes and pans and magic.
Has a suspiciously large family:
And many more we will probably meet at some point!
The Harpers is an old organization that has risen, been shattered, and risen again several times. Its longevity and resilience are largely due to its decentralized, grassroots, secretive nature, and the near-autonomy of many of its members. The Harpers have “cells” and lone operatives throughout Faerûn, although they interact and share information with one another from time to time as needs warrant. The Harpers’ ideology is noble, and its members pride themselves on their integrity and incorruptibility. Harpers do not seek power or glory, only fair and equal treatment for all.
To gather information throughout Faerûn, discern the political dynamics within each region or realm, and promote fairness and equality by covert means. Act openly as a last resort. Thwart tyrants and any leader, government, or group that grows too powerful, and aid the weak, the poor, and the oppressed.
This well-traveled highway follows the coast from Luskan to Waterdeep, connecting with Neverwinter along the way. For years, the stretch of the High Road between Neverwinter and Waterdeep fell into disuse and disrepair because of frequent monster attacks. When he was both the Lord Protector of Neverwinter and the Open Lord of Waterdeep, Lord Dagult Neverember hired adventurers to make the old road safe and spent considerable coin to repair it. Many now consider the High Road a safer means of travel than a sea voyage.
A very mysterious person who can change their shape. They like darkness.
Also, weirdly, somehow entangled in the big family of Fynn.
One of the North’s busiest trade routes, begins at the gates of Mirabar and continues for hundreds of miles southward through the Dessarin Valley, meeting the High Road just north of Waterdeep.
Longsaddle is little more than a row of buildings on either side of the Long Road, halfway along the lengthy journey from Triboar to Mirabar.
The Lords’ Alliance is a coalition of rulers from cities and towns across Faerûn (primarily in the North), who collectively agree that some solidarity is needed to keep evil at bay. The rulers of Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Neverwinter, and other free cities in the region dominate the Alliance, and every lord in the Alliance works for the fate and fortune of his or her own settlement above all others. The agents of the Alliance include sophisticated bards, zealous paladins, talented mages, and grizzled warriors. They are chosen primarily for their loyalty, and are trained in observation, stealth, innuendo, and combat. Backed by the wealthy and the privileged, they carry quality equipment (often disguised to appear common), and spellcasters tend to have a large number of scrolls with communication spells.
To ensure the safety and prosperity of the cities and other settlements of Faerûn by forming a strong coalition against the forces that threaten all, eliminate such threats by any means necessary whenever and wherever they arise, and be champions of the people.
Friend of Shan.
Located along the Sword Coast on the Sea of Swords between Neverwinter and Waterdeep. The High Road skirted its eastern edges on its way through the foothills of the Sword Mountains to the east.
Distant relative of Fynn.
Many paladins and clerics of Tyr, Helm, Torm, and Hoar have joined the organization, seeing it as—finally!—a way of making common cause against the evils abroad in the world. The Order of the Gauntlet is ready to lash out the moment evil acts, and not a moment before. When evil breaks laws, agreements, or commonly accepted codes of conduct, the Gauntlet strikes hard and fast, without waiting for the blessings of distant temples or the permission of rulers. Evil must be met in the field and smashed, or it will swiftly overcome all.
To be armed, vigilant, and ready to smite evil, enforce justice, and enact retribution. This means identifying evil threats such as secretive power groups and inherently evil creatures, watching over them, and being ready to attack the moment they misbehave. (These are always retributive strikes, never preemptive.)
An exiled Hobgoblin who found a friend of sorts in a magical stone.
A voluminous Firbolg monk who has still a lot of stairs to climb. Literally as well as figuratively.
His most trusted friends are:
He is a student of Master Shi-Fu.
A friend from Posmet’s past. He is a Lizardfolk and lives in the Mere of Dead Men with his friends. Serving a black Dragonborn.
It is a mysterious and powerful magocratic nation in east Faerûn, that is governed by the Red Wizards.
A clerical dwarf who is curiously un-dwarvish in most things except alcohol.
Tiamat was the eternal rival of Bahamut, ruler of the good metallic dragons and the queen of evil dragons.
Was a green dragon. We killed him!
Is at least an adult black dragon that lives in the Mere of Dead Men.
Rising from the shores of its deep harbor to ring the great mountain standing tall out of the Sea of Swords is Waterdeep, the City of Splendors and the Crown of the North. To all of Faerûn, this great metropolis stands as the pinnacle of what a great city might be, in wealth, influence, and stability.
A place of great magic that we freed in our first adventure. Now the Rockseeker Brothers work the place and we get a good share of the profits.
The Zhentarim seeks to become omnipresent and inescapable, more wealthy and powerful, and most importantly, untouchable. The public face of the organization appears much more benign, offering the best mercenaries money can buy. When a merchant needs an escort for his caravan, when a noble needs bodyguards to protect her holdings, or when a city needs trained soldiers to defend its honor, the Zhentarim provides the best-trained fighting men and women money can buy. However, the cost of doing business with the Black Network can be high.
To amass wealth, power, and influence.